Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope everyone had a wonderful first day of school! I have a couple of things today.

Please continue to pray for Allen Taylor and his family. Allen's cancer has returned. I don't know anything further, other than I am sure they need support and prayer.

My mom, Barbara Thomas, had a "precursor" to a heart attack last week. She had all of the symptoms, but made it to the hospital before anything further happened. She is on new meds (which have been causing some pretty severe headaches) and has a doc appt on Thursday for a potential stress test and cath. Please pray with us that they find out what is going on here.

Miss Brittney Banzhof had her wisdom teeth cut out yesterday. (The first day of school!) Pray that she has comfort in the next week. Morgan Edwards had hers taken out last week. Yikes! A little too much dental work for me... kinda made me have flashbacks! I hope these two girls heal nicely.

A special thank you shout out from Crucified Life Ministries (they sponsor children in El Salvador who need financial support in order to attend school - and are a working mission for their spiritual and medical health)... "Thanks to the children of FBC Wedowee for sending their VBS offering. This money was used to provide for the school needs for the two children they sponsor."

To all you out there... Now that school has begun, let's make it a perfect beginning by attending your church group programs. FBC Wedowee has youth and children activities every Wednesday evening beginning at 6:15. FBC Wedowee will also be beginning some new ADULT Wednesday night classes. 1) A "New Members Class" for new members of the church. 2) An adult in depth bible study. These will also coincide with the traditional prayer meeting. THREE options on Wednesday nights for the adults. The adult and children classes begin in September (I think), but the youth group is meeting now, every Wednesday. Come out and begin the new year with FBC. ALSO... Ava and FUM combine for a youth program. Their activities are on Sunday nights and are at each church every other week. Come out and enjoy this program as well! If you have a church activity that you would like to posted, let me know.

I have decided to update on Monday/Tuesday of each week unless we have something come up that needs to be put out immediately. Look for the updates!

Blessings! Donna

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