Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ed Creed, Jim Morris, and Sharon Daniel

As I am sure most of you have already heard of the passing of Mr. Ed Creed. He passed on Friday, May 8, 2009. His services are... visitation at tonight from 5:00pm - 8:00pm at Benefield Funeral Home. His funeral is tomorrow at Iduma Church at 2:00pm. I know that you were surprised when I didn't put his information on here quicker, but Mr. Creed has such a large family that I didn't want to run the risk of anyone learning of his passing on here, instead of from a family member. Sorry for the delay, just wanted to give the family time to adjust. Pray for this sweet family in the coming days, and especially after all of their support goes home. That's when it really becomes more difficult. Blessings to the Creeds!

Sharon Daniel spent the evening in Wedowee Hospital being observed because of chest pains that wouldn't go away. Ricky seemed to think it might be her MVP flaring up and causing the discomfort, but they didn't want to take any chances. If all went smoothly, she should be going home today.

I received a update on Jim Morris from Mrs. Deb, it reads as follows:
Praise the Lord, Jim is improving daily! With improved energy, he has walked almost 1/4 mile on the second day. His body continues to "wake up" which is helping to reduce the edema (swelling) in hands, arms, legs, and feet. That, in turn, helps with the rehab of his left foot and hand which seemed to bear the brunt of the trauma. He is going to Wedowee Clinic to regulate his dose of Coumadin. We will have followup appointments at Kirklin Clinic later this month and the first of June with both his surgeons. Thank you for the prayers and we ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers during his recovery period.

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